
Our Tribute
Mrs. Shirin Santram was a respected and honoured Educationist of Moradabad, U.P. She dedicated her life to the cause of teaching. The city of Moradabad and decades of students have been enlightened by her and enthused with her zest and zeal for learning.
She was the axis on which the Group grew through the years, generations of Wilsonians cherish her memories. She was the very life of every school; her passing has left an immense void that can never be filled.
Yet Wilsonia resolutely continues in its service of imparting education to all who enter the schools’ revered portals. With the blessings and with the eternal guidance of ‘Director Ma’am’.
Shirin Santram passed away on 12th December 2021. But her memories and her indelible mark on the school and the City will live on forever.